Why have grass when you can have a beautiful and edible landscape? That is our approach to landscaping. As we develop our landscape and remove grass, we are planting entirely edible plants. There are some instances where we are planting lightly used medicinal plants and plants purely for pollinators, but more than 90% of our landscape is edible. Our perimeter and fence line trees are apple and plum varieties, while ornamental trees used in more traditional landscaping are actually edibles.
Front Yard
–Plums (Toka)
–Apples (Wolf River)
–Apple Shrub (Common)
–Cherry Bushes (Carmine Jewel)
–Rose (Rosa woodsii)
–Rose (Rosa rugosa)
-Flowers & Herbs
–Echinacea (Purpura)
–Common Sage
–Meadow Sage
-Small Fruits
Gate & Perimeter Landscaping
–Apples (Wolf River, Dolgo, Honey Crisp)
–Plums (Toka)
– Bushes & Shrubs
–Cherries (Hansen’s)
–Golden Currant
–Catmint (Walker’s Low)
-Flowers & Herbs
— Echinacea (Purpura)
— Jerusalem Artichoke
— Black Eyed Susan
— Bee Balm
— Lemon Balm